Typescript Numeric Literal Types Y / X (Division)
Jul 1, 2022
In the last post we know multiplication is possible
In this post we are going to try division
type CreateArrayWithLengthX<
LENGTH extends number,
ACC extends unknown[] = [],
> = ACC['length'] extends LENGTH
: CreateArrayWithLengthX<LENGTH, [...ACC,1]>type Division<Dividend extends number, Divisor extends number, ACC extends unknown[] = [], Counter extends unknown[] = []> =
[...ACC,...CreateArrayWithLengthX<Divisor>]['length'] extends [...CreateArrayWithLengthX<Dividend>]['length']
? [1,...Counter]['length']
: Division<Dividend, Divisor, [...ACC,...CreateArrayWithLengthX<Divisor>],[1,...Counter]>type result = Division<999, 3> // 333
limitation: the dividend cannot exceed 999 because the max depth of TS recursion is only 1000, only work with positive integer. the divisor must be factors of the dividend