Typescript Numeric Range Type
1 min readJun 22, 2022
So you want a numeric range type, for example, from 30–40
the usual way is
type Thirty_to_Forty = 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37| 38 | 39 |40
it is doable but 0 fun in it (for obvious reasons)
what if you want a meta solution, from any range to any range, is it even possible?
It is, here is how you do it
type CreateArrayWithLengthX<
LENGTH extends number,
ACC extends unknown[] = [],
> = ACC['length'] extends LENGTH
: CreateArrayWithLengthX<LENGTH, [...ACC,1]>
type NumericRange<
START_ARR extends number[],
END extends number,
ACC extends number=never>
=START_ARR['length'] extends END
: NumericRange<[...START_ARR,1], END, ACC | START_ARR['length']>
type TWENTY_TO_FORTY = NumericRange<CreateArrayWithLengthX<20>,40>
keep in mind that there is a limit to how deep Typescript can recurse, and that number is 1000
Typescript will complain if your starting number is 1000 or your range size is 1000.