Typescript Recursion: It Is Over 999!

Acid Coder
1 min readDec 15, 2022


This is a proof of concept post, personally I do not find any use of this, yet

Typescript recursion stop at 49th or 999th loop

type CreateArrayWithLengthX<
LENGTH extends number,
ACC extends unknown[] = [],
> = ACC['length'] extends LENGTH
: CreateArrayWithLengthX<LENGTH, [...ACC, 1]>

type A = CreateArrayWithLengthX<999>['length'] // 999
type B = CreateArrayWithLengthX<1000>['length'] // any


This is not good if you want to dynamically generate array type with length more than 999

solution is to add another dimension to loop more than 999 times

type CreateArrayWithLengthX<
LENGTH extends number,
ACC extends unknown[] = [],
> = ACC['length'] extends LENGTH
: CreateArrayWithLengthX<LENGTH, [...ACC, 1]>

type Exceed999<
ARR extends 1[],
> = [...ARR['length'] extends 0 ? []: [...CreateArrayWithLengthX<999>,...Exceed999<ARR extends [...infer S extends 1[], infer P] ? S : never>]]

type V = Exceed999<CreateArrayWithLengthX<10>>['length'] // 10x999 = 9990


now you can dynamically create array type with length larger than 999

however keep in mind that the max length of an array type is 10,000

It is possible to create an array with any length less than 10,000, not just the multiplier of 999, but that would involve a lot of works and I want to keep thing simple here



Acid Coder

Typescript Zombie. Youtube Pikachu On Acid. (Unrelated to programming but by watching it you become a good developer overnight)