TS-Hajime: Effortlessly Bootstrap Typescript NPM Libraries

Acid Coder
2 min readOct 14, 2024


I made a library that can easily bootstrap your TypeScript library with better DX tools. It focuses on minimal setup and visual clarity.



  • Sensible defaults.
  • Built with DX tools like pkgroll, tsx, tsup, vitest, and clieye.
  • Preconfigured tsconfig, eslint, vitest, prettier, package.json, and .gitignore files.
  • Ready-to-use GitHub Actions, pre-commit hooks, and npm scripts.
  • Examples and tests included for both library code and npx commands.
  • Write npx commands directly in TypeScript.
  • Outputs both ESM and CJS modules.
  • (VSCode)Pre-configured with file nesting, auto-prettify on save, and a specified TypeScript TSDK path.
  • Exposed configurations allow for complete customization to fit your needs.

To get started:

  1. Run the command below to bootstrap your project:
npx ts-hajime your-app-name-here

Here’s what your project structure will look like:

2. Replace all occurrences of my-app with your app’s name and my-description with a description.

Key commands:

  • Build: npm run build
  • Test: npm test
  • Lint & Fix: npm run lint
  • Type Check: npm run tsc (Note: Type checking is automatically done in GitHub Actions as part of the build step with pkgroll.)
  • Try npx Command Locally: npm run npx something (Modify the npx script in package.json to suit your project requirements.)

Remember to star it if you like it!



Acid Coder
Acid Coder

Written by Acid Coder

Typescript Zombie. Youtube Pikachu On Acid. (Unrelated to programming but by watching it you become a good developer overnight)

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